There was lots of good news at our November meeting. It was a large group that filled the spacious 2nd floor room at the Rutland Library. Jo Fretz, thanked all the members who turned out in droves to spruce up the window boxes down town with seasonal greens. Our wreath sale is on track to make record profits - thanks to our leader, Esther Swett. Our Holiday Lunch will be held at the Rutland Country Club on December 10th and donations will be collected at that point for two charities. After the business portion of our meeting we had a stimulating presentation on “Creating a Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary” by Kelly Dwyer of Nature Education Opportunities. Following that our Hospitality Committee served a light lunch with a fall theme.

Also in November another group of dedicated members gathered to decorate the outside of the Chaffee Art Center with evergreen swags, bows and wreath. The results can be seen in these photos below!
