Our October meeting was held at the Rutland Library and was well attended with 24 members and 6 guests. The business portion of the meeting contained a lot of good news. The FGCV Meeting at the Rutland Country Club was well attended by our club. We had 23 of our members attend. Our own Michele Dauphinais was the presenter at this meeting and she did an outstanding job! The wreath sales are going well and the dates for the bundling and setting out of greens in our window boxes is coming up on November 6 and 8, respectively. On Nov.9, 2023,Val Cleary will hold a floral workshop using walking sticks. There is a limit of 20 attendees and the cost is $5. There was a brief report on progress being made on the plans for our Flower Show next year.

Val Cleary talks about her upcoming workshop on the left and below right Esther Sweet, our District Leader to the FGCV presents an gift to Michele Dauphinais, thanking her for her wonderful presentation. Her arrangements were auctioned off at the meeting and donated to our club

Ellie Roden, Vermont Pressed Flower Artist gave a fascinating talk on the history of pressed flowers. She explained the various methods of pressing them and showed us some fabulous examples. A large table containing a variety of her works was set up and many of the members were able to buy pieces.
