Our December meeting was a luncheon at the Rutland Golf Club and it was a festive occasion. Special thank you is due to Michele Dauphinais and Sue Haviland for the beautiful centerpieces, which were given away by name drawing, at the end of the meeting. Another thank you, to Suzanne Wohlhuter and her 4 year old daughter for the canning jars of candy for each member and guest. at the place settings.
Three new members were welcomed: and we also had 6 guests. There are at least 6 more potential members in the process! Towels were collected to give to a local women's shelter and a can was passed around for "Pennies for Pines"!

Esther Swett thanked all members who bought and sold wreaths
and greens. She did an amazing job and exceeded last year's profits.. Everyone was pleased with the 2 vendors we used this year. Congratulations to Esther and everyone who contributed to this success.
Val Cleary thanked those who came to her house to make and learn to make bows for the wreaths. In addition she ran a clinic for members that made holiday centerpieces - everyone was beautiful as you can see from the photo at the top! At the bottom, more photos from the December meeting/luncheon.
